deckkraftdeckkraft Walter Eul and Marc von Criegern

Walter Eul

endless painting

2011 - a computer animation projected on a painting

2011 - a computer animation projected on a painting

2008 - endless painting - computeranimation - Städtische Galerie Klagenfurt (AT)

2008 - endless painting - computeranimation - Städtische Galerie Klagenfurt (AT)

2010 - Crawler - video

2010 - Crawler - video

2011 - a computer animation projected on a painting

2011 - a computer animation projected on a painting

modular painting

2011 - modular painting - oil on canvas - 230 x 230 cm - detail

2011 - modular painting - oil on canvas - 230 x 230 cm - detail

cotrolled random

2011 - modular painting - acrylics on canvas - 290 x 290 cm - detail

2011 - modular painting - acrylics on canvas - 290 x 290 cm - detail

Walter Eul's abstract works explore the possible infinity of any composition: his paintings are often conceived as modules, which result in serial compositions and can be regarded from different directions. The painting and the gestures it contains moreover play systematically with anti-painterly means, such as the integration of chance or digitally-created structures.