deckkraft english

deckkraftdeckkraft Walter Eul Marc von Criegern


two artists

large scale paintings


projections onto paintings

images generated by random

independant art-projects

since 2012

projects selection

picture deckkraft pic/projects/open1.jpg
the participants

the participants



picture deckkraft pic/projects/open4.jpg

deckkraft open

For „deckkraft open“, a project that took place in the Lehmbruck Museum, we casted 20 non-professionals, inviting them to work with us in the museum on a wall filling painting. The development of the painting could be seen by visitors and from the outside. On the same time the making-of was presented by a multichannel video installation.

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picture deckkraft pic/projects/kvmg1.jpg
picture deckkraft pic/projects/kvmg2.jpg


picture deckkraft pic/projects/kvmg4.jpg


Shortly after the founding of deckkraft the first show took place in the Kunstverein Mönchengladbach. We created a huge painting measuring 4x16 meters that we hung in the Kunstverein and finished it there working on it for one month. From there on the idea to work on paintings for specific sites and even work at that place was born. Also the meaning of music for our work (each of our videos is accompanied by music of which some is composed by deckkraft) starts there. An event with four bands completes the show.

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paintings selection

image: Wallpainting Albrecht von Graefe school, Berlin

Wallpainting Albrecht von Graefe school, Berlin

in collaboration with pupils of class 9a

image: #140517 - 310 x 1200 cm


Leeschenhof, Quadriennale Düsseldorf 2014

310 x 1200 cm

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