deckkraft english

deckkraftdeckkraft Walter Eul Marc von Criegern


two artists

large scale paintings


projections onto paintings

images generated by random

independant art-projects

since 2012

projects selection

deckkraft horror vacui

deckkraft horror vacui

deckkraft horror vacui

deckkraft horror vacui

deckkraft horror vacui

4.9. bis 3.10.2016 Kulturforum Alte Post Neuss / Städtische Galerie

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projection onto a painting

projection onto a painting

picture deckkraft pic/projects/layer2.jpg
picture deckkraft pic/projects/layer3.jpg
view to the exhibition

view to the exhibition

deckkraft LAYER

is the extension of classic painting with the means of programmed animation projected onto the image. For each painting there is an endless choreography of color and shapes floating over the painting, highlighting parts of it.The projected colors mix with the painted colors and thus increase their effect.

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paintings selection

image: ceiling - 330 x 280 cm, 77-parts


Kunstsalon Flingern Düsseldorf 2013

330 x 280 cm, 77-parts

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image: #130502 - 2013, 350 x 600 cm


collaboration painting together with Robert Pufleb

2013, 350 x 600 cm

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